Monthly Archives: December 2009

new year wishes


the next year passed…

next finished projects…

next begun…

i thank, that you were with us this next year. we are entering involved in the third year of activity nowosad designworks. it will be year full of surprises 🙂 i will try to surprise you more than once in 2010.

i thank everyone who will contribute to the success of the brand “slav nowosad”. thanks to it is for your commitment to my projects we can be proud around our products.
thanks for the confidence and i wish you successes in the private life and the business to all over 2010.

best regards,

slav nowosad

U.S. agent search

we are looking for the agent in U.S.A

if you are interested write on:

graphic frames: tulips

e0041g1.jpgwelcome. today we are presenting graphic frames.  by the thematic frame it is novelty in our company.  graphical frames are fundamentally possible for the production on every frames. today we are presenting the drawing around tulips on the model E0041G1.

COOLours of lenses™: 2 new mirror


… starting from today you can already order all slav nowosad sun, around clear lenses with  silver mirror and  silver mirror/clear. make the show even when there is no sun.

accessories: HCA001/00


first show new bracelet. the latest model is characterized the spiral form and the large surface of the reflection of the lighting are doing real show. model till the end of the year exclusively for the special order.