Dominika Gawęda from Blue Cafe band wearing Slav Nowosad Haute Couture steel mask in promotion photo and video to the newest song “Buena”
Dominika Gawęda from Blue Cafe band wearing Slav Nowosad Haute Couture steel mask in promotion photo and video to the newest song “Buena”
During “22e Salon du Coupé, Cabriolet et SUV” in Paris was a fashion show of French designers of clothes, jewellery (regards for Béatrice) and… Slav’s glasses. beautiful girls, fast cars… what to want more? 🙂
Thanks to Thierry, Christian and team of show.
Les Opticiennes, 56000 Vannes, France
Jun’s Optic Koutoku Jun Gankyoin, 662-0078 Nishinomiya, Japan
Thanks for “Eye’ni”
Slav is everywhere… in air, on land and… underwater 😉
… Dziękuję za świetny film 🙂
We thank, that you visited our booth. It was true pleasure to meet with you. See you on Mido 2012.
We are inviting you to visit Martin&Martin and Slav’s department on Mido 2011 in Milan 4-6 march 2011.”Design Lab” H24/S02
“Originales à l’extrême et très peu distribuées, ces montures sont faites pour celles et ceux qui recherchent des lunettes hors du commun…”
1010votropticien, 59155 Faches Thumesnil, France
Slav’s sack now are protecting and cleaning your Slav’s glasses 🙂 Use the microfibre sack as the protection your glasses or turn inside out to cleaning…
We thank, that you visited our booth. It was true pleasure to meet with you. See you on Opti 2012.
new unique rainbow colour… technology of the tomorrow already today!… space technology on slav’s products. your glasses can go off colours!
new, high-grade coating into the brown colour. available on all products.
New matt surface of glasses. Choose polish/satin or matt surface and “create your own glasses™”
we are inviting you to visit our department on opti 2011 in Munich. 28-30 january – C4.523
on photographs Eléna in Slav’s glasses made by talented French photographer Sébastien Garcia.
“Un dimanche de Décembre à BidartOptik, séance photo de la belle Elena qui porte des lunettes Slav Nowosad, par le talentueux Sébastien Garcia, jeune photographe de la Côte Basque…”
yesterday, during TV show “Dzień Dobry TVN” Blue Cafe band presented the newest song.
“I admit it, I love really unique eyewear. I know vintage- retro is the hot trend now, but this is truly artistic. I love this!”
… Thank You 🙂
Delta Optical, Mississauga, ON L5B 2C9, Canada
the 5th birthday Bidart Optik and presentation Slav Nowosad collection…
… is coming “Slav Nowosad Haute Couture” collection…
after the premiere new designs of tattoos on silmo 2010 in paris, now are available 22 slav’s tattoos + presonal graphics… details at our representatives and authorized dealers… create your own tattooed glasses!
during silmo 2010 in paris was held a 10 years birthday party our friends Martin & Martin company. from the occasion… we wish… smile, only sunny days, health, new wonderful collections, more next decades on optical market…and everything what best!
we thank for invitation 🙂
slav & nowosad designworks team
Kazuo in specially tattooed glasses
party, party, party… 🙂
… fair, fair and after the fair.. we thank everyone visiting our booths and too excellent atmosphere… we are pleased that you liked novelties and premieres (more about novelties soon). greetings and for seeing at the next fair…
Pawel Rurak-Sokal from the band “Blue Cafe” at the saturday concert “witches’ sabbath kielce 2010” in sunglasses S02211.
Slav’s bags… modern pockets/modular bags designed by Slav Nowosad… already in stores… the special pocket was designed fits to all slav frame, made outside: strong, waterproof fabric, into the inside special soft fabric to protect frames… Slav’s bag + Slav’s glasses = perfect connection… test it!
dear customers from Switzerland, Germany, Austria – we request for a direct contact from company on: or + 48 785 88 SLAV*
*( +48 785 88 7528)
… two hundred matches… thousands of scored points… and the grand finale…”garage darts championship”… end very much exciting the match: zbyszek vs. slav – will go to history :)… in spite of charges: “slav won because played on illegal drugs…” 🙂