technical information

in the connection with the address of problems with the sending they decked to us caused by our system securing the server, we opened the new mail box, whom we ask for sending returnable messages from the system securing our server.  please, report technical problems on

mido 2008: after work


at the fair equally intensively we rested after the intensive work getting to know milano – mainly from the culinary side 🙂

to our dealers

we are just finishing work above the side dealers on our website we ask all our customers for sending photographs of their shops. we thank.

orders mail box

for agents, distributors and opticians we started the new mail box exclusively for orders – order@slavnowosad. com
different asking and contact with us direct on –
info@slavnowosad. com

mido 2008


we thank you for visiting our newspaper department during mido 2008 in milano. we thank our current and new customers for the possibility of meeting with you. to seeing during silmo 2008 in paris.

nose pads


already from mido 2008 in collections slav nowosad eye 01 and sun 01 you can choose around amongst two nose pads  systems – best for you.

the first birthday nowosad designworks


1 april 2008 company nowosad designworks celebrated her first birthday party.  i thank everybody involved in my projects, for the all team, partners, friends. he was it is a year of the intensive work on products and the structure of the corporate image on the world optical market.  i thank all sellers and customers because thanks to it is you creating our products is pleasing so a lot. 
i am greeting, 

slav nowosad

“love me, but please don’t touch me!”


sunglasses slav nowosad sun 01 model S0071 is a hero of the january side of the newest calendar of the company investa titled “love me, but please don’ t touch me!”. one of the most creative polish photographers is an author of photographs Witold Flak. 

opti 2008


we thank for visiting our exhibition stand during opti 2008 in munich. we are pleased that you liked our cardboard department  into the trend hall. frequenting greeting for everyone fair and for the entire team opti. for seeing during the next optical fair.

silmo 2007


we greet all visitors and everybody who stopped on our stand during silmo 2007. we thank for having fun in our interactive stand by painting our wall, as well as for good words about our work and your approval of our product in optical market.

20/20 europe (italy)- steel a glance


“Nowosad Designworks have lauched the Slav Nowosad sunglass collection 2007, a range of high quality, very light and resilient sunglasses…”

warsaw fashion street 2007



during warsaw fashion street 2007 collection slav nowosad sun 01 collection had first night demonstration. in this gallia’s evening our collection has accompanied collection of designer’s clothes Adrianna Żakowska -from house of fashion forget-me-not. we thanks the owner of house of fashion forget-me-not Dorota Wróblewska for possibilities to present our collection.